January 20: Martin Luther King Jr. Day/Inauguration Day: Americans celebrated the first official Martin Luther King Day, which is the only federal holiday commemorating an African-American, on Monday, January 20, 1986. In 1994, Congress designated the holiday as a national day of service and marking the third Monday in January every year as the Martin Luther King, Jr. Day of Service - a "Day On, Not a Day Off." https://www.dodea.edu/news/observance-calendar/martin-luther-king-jr-day#:~:text=Luther%20King%20Jr.-,Day,Martin%20Luther%20King%2C%20Jr.
The 20th amendment to the Constitution specifies that the term of each elected President of the United States begins at noon on January 20 of the year following the election. Each president must take the oath of office before assuming the duties of the position. https://www.aoc.gov/what-we-do/programs-ceremonies/inauguration#:~:text=accommodate%20this%20event.-,Inauguration%20at%20the%20U.S.%20Capitol,the%20duties%20of%20the%20position.
February 4: USO Birthday! https://nationaltoday.com/uso-day/#:~:text=USO%20Day%20%E2%80%93%20February%204%2C%202025&text=USO%20Day%20on%20February%204,friends%2C%20families%2C%20and%20homes.
February 17: President's Day: https://www.calendarpedia.com/when-is/presidents-day.html
February 18: U.S. Coast-Guard Reserve Birthday: https://veteran.com/coast-guard-reserve-birthday/
March 3: U.S. Navy Reserve Birthday: https://nationaltoday.com/navy-reserve-birthday/
March 13: U.S. K-9 Veterans Day: https://www.nationaldaycalendar.com/national-day/national-k9-veterans-day-march-13
March 21: https://veteran.com/rosie-the-riveter-day/
March 25: Medal of Honor Day: https://veteran.com/medal-of-honor-day/